Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Summer Movie Highlight:

Of the many movies coming out this summer, there is one I am looking forward to the most--My first year out of college, a friend of mine forced me to watch Harry Potter, he was a pretty hard core fan-he had read the books that were in print, and loved the movies. After making fun of him many times I finally sat down and watched the first 3 which were out at the time.

And now 6 years later I have read all 7 books multiple times, and own the first 5 movies...and watch them frequently. I love the books-really fun reading--extremely entertaining, and the movies are great non-thinking kind of movies. You better believe I will be at the theater opening night with my wand and Hogwarts Badge on:)

~Angela M.


Megan said...

Haha! I am looking forward to seeing this movie too! We hardly ever go to the movies, but we always go for Harry.

emily said...

me too!!!! :)