Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Well today I officially started the Daniel Fast. Since I had to work through breakfast and lunch today, I was hungry as usual when I work that kind of shift because I never remember to bring enough food to fill me up during that time. Oatmeal with dried fruit and nuts for breakfast, a grapefruit, grapes and carrots for lunch, and then we ate stir fry with brown rice and veggies for dinner. We just came back from a WINCO trip with our friends Matt and Jessica and bought soy milk, beans, lentils, fruit leather, nuts and dried fruit. It is great to have some fabulous snack food in the house that we can eat now. Tomorrow we are planning on having Vegetarian Chili for dinner-using this general recipe (how do you spell that word anyways? recipie? recipee? receppppeee??)
Veg Chili:
Kidney Beans
Black Beans
Green Pepper
Red Pepper
Yellow Pepper
Tomato Sauce
Tomato Paste
Chili Powder

Crock pot on low for 4 hours. I kind of tweak it each time I make it, but I always LOVE how it turns out!

I'm really excited to do these food sacrifices for the Lord during this time and hope to draw nearer and nearer to Him!

~Angela M.

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