Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Man of God:

Many people strive to be like the man or woman of God they read about in the Bible. We read in the Bible about David being a man after God's own heart, and so many others who are used by God to do great things. However, it is made clear in His Word that just BEING His is the greates thing we can do.

There are many different men and women I have met in life who have displayed different qualities and characteristics of a Godly person. However, I have rarely seen such qualities displayed so consistantly and so authentically as I do in my Best Friend and Love of my Heart: Jared R. Amerine.

For those of you who have not met him, I look forward to the day of that meeting: When you will see exactly what it is in him that has caused me to fall completely in love with him. This humble man of God shows me more of the character of Christ each new day. I look forward to today and tomorrow and then next day because I love seeing God through all that you say and do. (P.S. Just so you all know-He is imperfect. But that's where God is strong! That's what makes all of this work out so well:)

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Greater the Love-the Greater the Pain:

There is an interesting thing with love you see. It seems the more you love someone, the greater the capacity to bring pain upon that person-intentional or not. Everything seems intensified-the good, and the bad.

"How deep the Father's love for us....
How vast beyond all measure..."

These two lines taken from one of my favorite songs really do cause us to dwell upon the great love of God. We often hear about the love God has for us. Yet as I think about it, it seems with this unbelievable amount of love has come an unbelievable amount of pain. Each time we intentionally or unintentionally leave the Lord-deny His love, or ignore His voice.

Father, forgive me for those moments of pain I have brought to Your heart. Thank you for that vast love that will never leave. Help me to love much-though it may hurt at times.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY! Jr. High Winter Camp!

We head off for Forest Home Camp tomorrow at around 2:30. After we fight our way through LA traffic, myself and 11 other students and leaders will spend 3 glorious days in the mountains-What an awesome time it will be!
Please pray for safety-but most of all for God to change each and every one of us!!!

We get back Sunday afternoon-I love Jr. Highers!

For Emily: My one blog Fan

SOOOOO after a much too long hiatus from this blog-I have returned upon the request of my bestest friend in the whole world...Emily Smith! Rather then explain all I have done in the last month, I figured I would do sort of a picture collage of all the exciting things...including but not limited to...
A week in Michigan...My roomates wedding...Hearst Castle vacation with Jared...Mom and Dad coming out here for a few days...good times I tell you...God is good!