Answered Prayer:Have you ever really prayed for something? I'm talking about on your knees, practically begging, pleading for God's will to take place while you are waiting? That is where Jared and I have been the last few months. Since Jared completed his student teaching in May, he quickly began filling out application after application for Math Teacher positions. We began our process applying here in Spokane and over where my brother lives in Michigan, thinking surely something would happen with one of those jobs...May came and went, June came and went, and by the time July was over, we had applied all over Washington, some in Idaho, and over in Michigan. We went from praying everyday, to praying multiple times a day! I recall one particular day just over a week ago: I was working at Starbucks, and Jared had spent yet another day filling out applications. I am so confident that teaching is exactly where Jared is supossed to be, and I know he will be fantastic, but most employers don't let you put your wife as a reference;) That day, I felt like an prayer sounded something like this "Oh Lord, please let Jared feel like all his hard work and effort is paying off...He needs something...anything...I know he doesn't deserve anything, but he would be so great at serving You through a teaching job. More than anything Lord, we want what You want."
a few hours later, Jared called me with the news that he has been asked to interview for a middle school teaching job here in Spokane he had applied for several months ago. Several days later, he had the interview, 2 days after that, Glover Middle School offered Jared a full time teaching position.
Now what does this have to do with my prayer...I don't know, maybe not much in the realm of Jared actually getting the job, but what I do know, is that God brought me to a place of complete and utter desperation. It was a good place. I found humility in that place. I found that I could not fix everything for Jared. I
found hope and rest in no knowing.
God taught me so much in those desperation prayer moments. I'm so thankful that I feel we have truly grown and learned through this process. We know this job is a complete gift from the Lord and nothing done on our own strength. Jared will be a fantastic teacher, and I feel ready to embrace the times of "not knowing".
~Angela M.