One Year Later
Our First Anniversary-it is truly amazing all that can happen within a year. For me, I've seen more growth and changes within myself this year then ever. Living with your spouse is definetly different from a college roomate. There is so much adjusting and responsibility increase. The joy level in my life has probably increased most of all in my life. It is so amazing to me how much joy my husband makes me feel on a daily special and loved I feel when I'm around Him...and how I feel more beautiful then I've ever been because of Him.
I know at the core of my being that it is Christ who completes me, fulfills me, and brings unending Joy. And God has added a beautiful gift to my life in the last year-the Joy that can only come through a marriage founded on Him.
Through this year, as my love for Jared has grown, so has my love for the Lord. It's in our faithfulness to eachother that I see more clearly the faithfulness of God. This marriage covenant that represents the very covenant God has made with us is an incredible blessing that I know is not only meant to bless me or Jared, but all those around us.
I look forward to celebrating 1 year of marriage this weekend as Jared sneaks me away to some secret place. But even more then that, I look forward to all God has in store for us to be and do together in the future.